Pictures have emerged of replacement kiosks which have been constructed to replace those removed from Laxey MER station at the end of the 2014 season. The appearance of these, once completed, will emulate the rustic construction of the originals, and will complement the station building which despite massive change all around, during the recent works has remained untouched.

Fears were raised in September about the fate of the originals following their removal in 2014. An article in the Isle of Man Examiner headed "Forlorn kiosks await decision on their fate" quoted a DoI spokesperson "The two kiosks were removed because they were rotten…It remains our intention to restore them to their former glory and return them to the station in due course."

ABOVE: One of the new kiosks destined for Laxey Station later this spring. It is shown here incomplete, mid February, awaiting amongst other things, application of the distinctive split logs to the walls.

Visitors to the station in recent weeks will have noted semi-circular recesses which have been created in the new block paving in readiness for the kiosks, as shown in the picture below.

Similar rustic kiosks were once located at Garwick, Dhoon Glen and Ramsey. They originally had thatched roofs which were subsequently replaced with timber, as our archive pictures show BELOW:

We would like to hear your views. If you have any comments or further information on this story, please email the Manx Electric Railway Society at [email protected]


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