“We [The Manx Electric Railway Society] have always regarded Laxey Station as being absolutely sacrosanct, as was explained to Mr Longworth on behalf of the Society when he took office. We opposed the planning application in a detailed submission which can be found on our website (HERE) and we were ignored. We have now changed our membership criteria to enable anyone prepared to spend a pound to unite with us and join us in opposition to those who have committed this deed, and ultimately in the best interests of the survival of our treasured tramway, to get it reversed. We call upon all right thinking Manx people to spend their pound.

The MER Society calls for the DoI Minster Mr Gawne to halt proceedings on this scheme until such time as a full public discussion can be carried out.

If we do not stop this now, where will it end?"

Last year the MER Society joined forces with the Isle of Man Steam Railway Supporter's Association and the Victorian Society to jointly oppose destruction of Laxey, the much loved Douglas Railway Station booking hall and a scheme not unlike that which is happening at Laxey proposed for Port Erin Station. The campaign "Save Our Stations" continues.

Unless we hear otherwise, a planning appeal against the proposals for Douglas is scheduled for March 25th - a day when no representatives of the Railway organisations can attend to present our case.


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