ABOVE: BEFORE AND AFTER - Summer 2013 - Spring 2015

UNWANTED, UNNECESSARY, POINTLESS… Condemned online and elsewhere, the 'degeneration' of Laxey MER station continues, as scarce government resources are directed in the wrong direction in a move that must surely rank as one of the most misguided exercises in recent times.

Opposed at the planning stage and ever since by amongst others the Manx Electric Railway Society, the scheme to pave paradise continues in a race for completion, in time for the opening of the tramway on March 20th.

Whilst, the piles of earth and anti-climb mesh barriers will be cleared up, the granite and concrete will remain. A future enlightened regime may be able to remedy this mess by removing the inappropriate modern paving, and replace it with something more in keeping with a heritage railway.

As the paving begins to gather chewing gum - as it has done on the streets of Douglas and Ramsey - and as enthusiasts and Laxey residents come to terms with what has been done in their name, sights now turn to Douglas and Port Erin IMR stations, Derby Castle and the Horse Tramway depot which may, unless common sense prevails, be next to be 'improved' in this way.

ABOVE: General View looking south February 28th. Note the Metrolink traction poles.

ABOVE: Laxey Station looking north. Note the modern traction poles - identical to those common on UK tramway systems such as Manchester's Metrolink - and wholly inappropriate in this setting.

ABOVE: Part of the 'hatchet-shaped' crossing linking the station with the 'town square', the centrepiece of the 'regeneration' project. (Witness a grandstand view of a grotesque spectre of the modern petrol station canopy granted planning approval a few years ago, now with a paved path leading directly to it… Genius!)

ABOVE: Paving and Metrolink poles. Looking south.

ABOVE: A victim of the work is this little tree. The sloping walkway from the former rose garden is in the background.

Since the publication of this article the following comments have been posted on the MERS Facebook page.
The views expressed, do not necessarily reflect those of the MER Society:-

"Again, there is no DISLIKE button. How very very sad."


"Oh my goodness - what a shock
That paving looks so out of place and a natural, timeless setting now looks like some kind of kitsch film set. What on earth possessed people who have custody over world-ranking heritage sites to do this? In the name of what? modernisation? "Health & Safety for customers"


"What is the point of it as it was fine before. This in time will become uneven and a trip hazard."

"I like it, do these tirades get approved by any kind of committee? Laxey has looked tired and awful for a long time."

"I think you will find that you are in a very small minority. The general opinion seems to be that Laxey Station has been spoilt and damaged for no good reason. The money would have been better spent elsewhere."

"a minority opinion is just as validWill have to make a judgement when it's finished I guess. I agree maybe the priorities have been wrong, the nasty concrete area between the station and the road was in dire need to change. Station wasn't particularly urgent, I'll give you that."

"I'm perfectly happy for you to have a minority, contrary view. It's actually quite fascinating to observe such shockingly bad taste. What I do most strongly and deeply resent is your comment about 'tirade by committee' since that blatantly implies a lack of individual free will in this matter. I have condemned this ill-conceived cultural vandalism elsewhere and object in the strongest terms to your comment. Instead of finding your views irrational and depressing, all I can now feel is pity"

"Disgusting a Victorian gem destroyed. And they say they need to cut costs???"

"This is a travesty and a total disgrace!"


"Always, but always, saw both locals and visitors taking photos of this 'step back in time' station throughout the year. Two questions and a statement from me. Did anyone ever ask the public using Laxey station for their opinions of the place as it wasbefore the demolition started? Were there numerous complaints from the paying customers? I very much doubt it! And surely surely, as pointed out in so many other posts, the money could have been spent far more sensibly elsewhere!"

"The MERS set all this out in detail but was ignored. The Planning Committee need to be named and shamed."

"Unbelievable, just unbelievable..."

"Lots of the Isle looks tired but any alterations should end up in a improvement...from a practical ,historical and aesthetic view...they have failed in two of those requirements for sure and I would reserve judgement on the practical ..it sure didn't need modern paviors in a historically beautiful station."


"This actually makes me want to cry - how depressing compared to the beautiful, magical station it used to be."

"Why wasn't the original station 'listed'?"

"The corrupt political class have overriden such limited protection as there was. The MERS strongly objected but was ignored."

"If this is "one of the most misguided exercises in recent times" count yourself lucky to live on such a peaceful, stable Island"

We would like to hear your views. If you have any comments or further information on this story, please email the Manx Electric Railway Society at [email protected]


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