
Road, Rail, Sea and Air

Page 68

Showing 604–612 of many.

Douglas Horse Tramway - Manx Residents Have Their Say UPDATE

The Manx Electric Railway Society has received a deluge of comments following the shock announcement on Friday 22nd January 2016 that Douglas Corporation intend to scrap the world famous Douglas Horse Tramway. As expected, almost all of those who have taken the trouble to vote on our on-line petiti…


"With interruption only in time of war, the Douglas Horse Tramway has run along the promenade in Douglas since 1876. Many generations of Manx men and women grew up and died alongside it and it is a unique icon of the Isle of Man, as much of a symbol of Manxness as the Laxey Wheel, the Manx Electric…

Department of Infrastructure not seeking to relay Horse Tram tracks.

The Department of Infrastructure has confirmed its intention to progress its proposals for the redevelopment of Douglas Promenade, despite the announcement that Douglas Borough Council is ending its horse tram service. Subject to planning approval and support from Tynwald, work will start later thi…

Douglas Horse Trams - Council Leader Defends Decison

Councillor David Christian speaks to Manx Radio about decision to scrap Horse Tramway. Click HERE to listen to the clip. Also, an extended interview with Councillor Christian is available to view in two parts on Manx.Net's website. Part 1 Part 2

​Douglas Horse Tramway Visitor's Petition

The Manx Electric Railway Society has created an on-line petition for visitors to the Isle of Man, who are opposed to the scrapping of the Horse Tramway. To sign the petition please visit:-


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