
Road, Rail, Sea and Air

Page 54

Showing 478–486 of many.

SMR Car 3's Underframe

Anybody making use of the public footpath which runs past Derby Castle works up to Strathallan Road, is greeted by an assortment of worn wheel-sets and the grizzly sight of SMR Car 3's partially sheeted underframe In this view of the switchbox underframe, steps, step pan, various cable conduits and…

Another Attack On Manx Transport Heritage ?

DOI looking at 'modest scheme reports Manx Radio. "The Department of Infrastructure is committed to releasing the bus station site in Ramsey for the development of social housing. That's according to Infrastructure Minister Ray Harmer. During this morning's (14 Feb) sitting of the House of Keys, he…

Papering over the Cracks...

SPEAKING ON Manx Radio Sunday, Infrastructure Minister Ray Harmer explained some of the thinking behind his department's announcement this week that it would spend £50,000 from its revenue budget to carry out a 'short-term fix' on the southern (Loch Prom) end of the prom, similar to that which was…

More temporary work on Douglas prom

Manx Radio Reports Southern section to be resurfaced Around £50,000 is going to be spent on the temporary resurfacing of the southern end of Douglas promenade. The Department of Infrastructure has confirmed it's going to carry out the work ahead of the new horse tram season, which starts in April.…

Car 28 leaves Strathallan Depot for the last time.

Privately owned Douglas Saloon Horse Car No.28, left Strathallan Depot today (Weds. 1st February) on the back of a trailer, its destination unknown, although there are rumours it is heading off island. The car was one of six which were auctioned off in August last year, deemed as being 'surplus' by…

Video footage of Grooved Horse Tram Rail

THE MERS believes that enough grooved track (over 6km) was purchased from the aborted Mersey Light Rail scheme, to relay a double track for the Horse Tramway from Derby Castle through to the Victoria Clock. The rail is currently stored in a yard close to the South Quay in Douglas. The following vid…

Temporary Depot Deferred… Department seeking 'alternative' options.

ANYONE attending today's meeting of the Planning Committee hoping to witness discussion of the Department of Infrastructure's proposal to see "Erection of temporary horse tram facility including tram shed, stables, staff welfare facilities, parking and new vehicular access" on the site of the forme…

"This is by no means over. Its going to rattle on…"

Speaking on Manx Radio today, Secretary of the Manx Electric Railway Society Julian Nutter, branded the latest move by Tynwald for the Horse Tramway 'a mess'... JAMES DAVIS: The Secretary of the Manx Electric Railway Society has predicted the ongoing regeneration of Douglas Promenade will continue…


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