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Originally formed in 1973, the MANX ELECTRIC RAILWAY SOCIETY is a partly political organisation cha…
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Mann Tram/Manx Transport Review Index
Manx Electric Railway Society Journal Index MANN-TRAM & MANX TRANSPORT REVIEW ISSUES 1-100 FIFTY-YE…
Mann Tram Archive
Mann Tram was the forerunner of Manx Transport Review, the current MERS journal. The first issue of…
50 Years of the Manx Electric Railway Society - 1973 to 2023
AROUND 7.30pm on the night of August 2nd 1973, on a verandah overlooking Douglas Bay, three holiday…
Society Meetings
The Manx Electric Railway Society holds regular social meetings. The meetings usually take the form…
MER Society Bibliography
The Manx Electric Railway Society has a large and extensive back catalogue of publications dating b…
MER Society Document Archive
Tour Handbill from 2001
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