On Thursday 11th August 2016, Douglas Borough Council announced that it is to auction off six 'surplus' trams from the Douglas Bay Tramway. The cars being offered are as follows:-

Winter Saloon 28

Bulkhead Crossbench 33

Bulkhead Crossbench 34

Bulkhead Crossbench 37

Toastrack 39

Toastrack 40

The official announcement reads as follows:-

“As part of Douglas Borough Council’s package of support measures to assist the Department of Infrastructure in its running of the horse tram service the Council is to auction six horse trams no longer essential for historic or operational purposes through local auctioneers Murray’s on August 27.

Regeneration and Community Committee Chairman Councillor Stephen Pitts said: ‘The Council has agreed to assist the Department of Infrastructure in consolidating its core horse tram stock, for which the Department will be retaining a large fleet of trams of historic interest for operational use.

‘Following the Department’s assessment of the fleet there are a small number of surplus trams in need of restoration - examples of which will be retained in the main fleet – to be sold by public auction to organisations or individuals willing to commit to their preservation.’

The trams to be auctioned are a winter saloon, three bulkheads and two ‘toastracks’ in differing conditions, but all in need of renovation.

The auction will take place on Saturday August 27 at 11am, with viewing between 9 and 11am atMurray’s saleroom, 8-10 Allan Street, Douglas.

All interested bidders must contact the saleroom for registration and bidding approval.[email protected], 665550. “


Isle of Man Newspapers have run the story which can be viewed HERE.

Since the story broke on Friday, the following comments have been posted on the MERS Facebook Page

”To be sold by public auction to organisations or individuals willing to commit to their preservation' does that mean bidders will be assessed by the council prior to bidding? Will the 'commitment' take the form of a contract?”

“Frightening comment on the website which I've responded to. I know you get cranks posting comments (ok, I must be one too) but you just despair at such ignorance.”

“Only the start of things to come when we get our new MHK's.”

“Thin end of the wedge! ”

“Is there anything at all that can be done to stop this willful destruction of our heritage?????”

“A whole two weeks notice - guess the scrappies will be bidding, very poor show”

“Time there was a vote of no confidence in that lot.”

“You do all know that only get rid of all new trams there keep all very old”

“This is NOT to be done. They have more time to run before this, and there yet may be a full reprieve. From a MNH Governor.”

“They have probably got a buyer lined up or they will set high reserves, get no bids and give them all to the scrap man.”

“Surely not!”

“As they are mostly made from wood there is very little scrap value”

“In a big hurry here I notice”

“As part of Douglas Borough Council’s package of support measures to kill the tourist industry we are selling one of the few things that makes our island worth visiting.”

“WAAAAAAAGH :'(!!! Stop them!”

“These are probably the only Milnes horse cars left in the world now. They are certainly the only 'collection' all in one place. One thing's for sure - Milnes won't be making any more! Once these are gone and the collection split up that's it. Corporation once again should be ashamed of themselves!”

“Shocking!!! How can this be allowed? Surely on a matter of national heritage there should be some intervention? Douglas Corporation are fools.”

“My reading of this is that they have surplus trams, which are non-runners unused for years, and will not affect the current running of the horse trams.”

What do you think ? Please let the MERS know, send your comments to [email protected]


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