Our Latest Print Publication

Manx Transport Review No.101 - Autumn/Winter 2023

Full news roundup from the Manx Electric Railway, Douglas Horse Tramway, Snaefell Mountain Railway and other Island transport. Historical feature articles - Full Colour - 112 pages. Copies are distributed FREE to Full Members of the Manx Electric Railway Society upon publication - see HOME page for…

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The MERS has a large back catalogue of publications dating back to 1973, covering all aspects of the Island's transport…

Membership Applications & Renewals

Full Annual Membership subscriptions (those paid by Cheque/Postal Order/Standing Order) became due for renewal on the 1st April 2024. Full and On-line subscriptions (paid via PayPal) fall due on the first and successive anniversaries of first joining the MERS. To renew your subscription or join the MERS by PayPal, please click the ‘Get Membership from Just £1 A Year’ link at the top left-hand corner of this page. Alternatively, payment for membership applications and renewals can be made by Cheque/Postal Order/Standing Order by downloading a renewal form HERE For all membership enquires and further information, please contact the MERS Membership Secretary at: [email protected]

Manx Electric Railway Society Meetings

Take place at the Columba Club, 1 Sydney Mount, Douglas IM1 3DB.

The meetings usually take the form of either a general discussion/social evening or a slide, film or video presentation. The opportunity is also taken to keep members informed on the latest developments concerning the MER and other Island transport. Local and visiting members of the Society, guests and anyone interested in transport are all welcome.
Next Meeting: TBA


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Trailer 42 - Derby Castle
Updated 5 days ago

Winter Saloon Car 22 prepares to propel Trailer 42 onto the stop at Derby Castle on a sunny day in August 1978. (Photo: MERS Collection)

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Road, Rail, Sea and Air

​House of Keys Question – Tramway Terrace

Douglas North MHK has tabled a question for this morning’s sitting of the House of Keys in relation to the ongoing saga of Tramway Terrace. Full Hansard concerning Mr Ashford’s question will be made available as soon as it has been published.

Manx Heritage Transport Festival 2024

A warm welcome is extended to all of those who will be visiting the Island to participate in the Manx Heritage Transport Festival which commences on Tuesday, July 30th. The full programme of events can be downloaded HERE Manx Transport Review is the journal of the Manx Electric Railway Society. As…

Further Horse Tramway Question in Tynwald *****UPDATE*****

David Ashford, one of the MHK’s for Douglas North, has tabled further questions concerning the truncated Horse Tramway at the final sitting of Tynwald before the Summer recess. Question 32: The Hon. Member for Douglas North, Mr Ashford, to ask the Minister for Infrastructure: What the most recent e…

“Could A Tynwald Petitioner Reinstate the Horse Trams?”

“The submission to the Manx parliament hopes to call on government to honour the project A Tynwald petitioner is making it his duty to try and get the horse trams reinstated back to the Isle of Man Steam Packet's ferry terminal. In 2017, the scheme was supported by the Manx parliament, but its exte…


To view full articles — and join us to ensure the retention of all the Island's Tramways — JOIN NOW for just £1

FULL MEMBERSHIP is available — including free copies of the printed MANX TRANSPORT REVIEW £8

Existing Members Can Now Renew Their Subscriptions On-Line - See Top Of The Homepage For Details

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