Ongoing work to 'regenerate' Laxey MER station is not having the reaction some of the scheme's supporters may have hoped - if comments posted on the Laxey Past/Present Facebook page are anything to go by.

"Awful" would seem to be the most frequently used adjective from those commenting...

Despite being opposed from the outset by amongst others the Manx Electric Railway Society, the scheme was doggedly pursued by the DCCL and something called the "Laxey Regeneration Committee", then headed by current MHK for the area Steve Rodan. This was apparently despite worthy internal opposition, from some members of the committee, largely unheeded.

It was all the brainchild of Ramsey-based 'multi disciplinary consultants' Dalrymple Associates, working on behalf of the now defunct Department of Community, Culture and Leisure, who submitted plans in 2012 for a "Laxey MER Station Refurbishment."

From the start aspects of the scheme were described online and in the press as 'tasteless', 'unnecessary' and 'unwanted', and attempts to block or modify the work before it began were overruled by the planning authorities.

Opposition has resulted in limited modification to some of the original proposals and wooden benches, litter bins and heritage-style lighting are to be substituted for the modern stainless and powder-coated items originally proposed. And replica kiosks have been constructed. Yet, over-sized off-the-peg Manchester Metrolink traction poles still dominate the station in all their unpainted unpleasantness.

The track relay is perhaps one worthwhile by-product of the works, but the current paving exercise seems less so.

As manx government departments continue to look to save money, as lights are switched off, services cut or discontinued, it is believed (though not confirmed) that the budget for the station work is in the region on £930,000.

The Laxey Past Present Facebook page can be found HERE. Grateful thanks to Robert Cannell for allowing the MER Society to reproduce the posted comments.

These views, reproduced from the The Laxey Past Present Facebook page, do not necessarily reflect those of the MER Society.

"So this is how Manx heritage etc, think a Victorian tram station should look?, how very quaint."

“No extra car parking I suppose?"

“Awful...what next?"

“Have they ran out of money! Lol"

“Gotta spend our money somehow"

“Plenty of money, but they`ve ran out of brains. lol."

“Good god!! Thought the works were meant to be improvements?! Awful"

“They'll probably sell the track next like the rest of the Island!"

“I think I looks better than it did tbh. A mixture of modern v old"

“Yes , good point, but is`nt it supposed to be a victorian styled station, for the Victorian trams to use? I will admit this would look great in a modern train or bus station etc though"

“I just think that unless they sort out parking in Laxey then it's pointless doing all of these improvements . Rant over lol"

“Looks a lot better than the loose gravel should now be a bit more user friendl for those in wheelchairs and walking difficulties as long as they continue with a level footpath out of the station towards the coach park at Hamn and Egg Terrace"

“What ever happened to good old TARMAC .?? .LOL."

“and put a path acroos the Station to the Snaefell line"

“Whover is supposed to be looking after our Manx Heritage, need their asses kicked as they`re quite obviously not fit for purpose."

“An Overlay of of Tarmac would have done ok but woundnt have been as expensive or attractive."

“Completely unnecessary expense"

“Exactly , plain & simple retaining it`s unique atmosphere, just like it was before."

“that was all that was needed in the first place."

“The island is in trouble money wise and you see this crap going on. Money could be put to better use I am sure."

“the capital spent there would surely have been better spent on the health service"

“ It was be like North Quay Douglas.. It looks like part of a shopping mall"

“ The station has now become a wooden hut with a tin roof, in a concrete garden, how very thoughtful & quaint. lol."

“This is awful !!"

“19 months till next elections boy are we going to have fun lol"

“They were looking for opinions on wooden log benches a while back, how out of place would they look on here? plastic tables & chairs would be more appropriate for this setting now."

“Why do they not talk to the locals"

“Thanks to all of those who contributed to the destruction of Laxey Station, hopefully the electorate of Garff will take this into consideration come the general election. What is even more shocking is that one of the perpetrators of this despicable act comes from a UK heritage tramway background which adds further insult to injury."

“I trust Mr Rodan will, after the election be walking off into the sunset playing "Stevie Where's Your Troosers" on his bagpipes."

“Arrogance is why they don`t talk to the locals, after all what would they know about what a Victorian station should look like?"

“How very sad!!"

“What a mess......"

“Come on all you MHKs, take some bloody notice of local residents."

“Parking in Laxey is not a problem , it's only that there are so many lazy feckers who won't walk from the upper car park by The Pavilion or up from Church Hill or Captains Hill , Instead choosing to park right outside shops or even blocking entrance to the church. Come on WALK while you still can and leave the parking spaces for those who are actually unable to ! “

“I know we have to move with the times but I think laxey station is ruined now and they could of updated it to be more authentic."

“I walked around the station today for the first time since they started. Looks like Milton Keynes. Makes the old photos even more precious."

“It's awful"

“Perhaps would have been better to give thoughts and opinions at the planning stage before work commenced. The public were invited to engage during the consultation"

"Did all that, the commissioners even objected to the plans as well, but it was, as per usual a total waste of time. And as we are aware, they have to do this as part of a legal obligation, but it`s really nothing more than a just P.R. exercise. “

"If people high in places like M-H-K`S & their friends had made objections in the early stages, it might have done some good, but if every Joe Bloggs on the island had objected , it would`nt have mattered a jot, & is possibly what just happened? “

"Be surprised if the wooden huts go back as they wont be in keeping.Like the arches are not being put back as well"

"Looks crap"

"Poor old Laxey. Changed forever but not for better"

"I don't know what Danny Creer would have said ?"

"He, like many others will be turning in their graves!"

"At the end of the day, this is a consequence of having an M.h.k. representing the village who was not born on the island, one who could never understand the depth of feeling in these sort of matters, this would`nt have happened in Charlie Kerruish`s day, he`d have taken no for the village like this that`s for certain."

"I knew this would be the case, they haven't got a clue honestly!!!! It's laughable really. It's nice to think they are putting money into areas, but they aren't doing it with any kind of imagination"

"This is sad. Villages don't have squares they have greens. Squares belong in towns. This work has destroyed some of Laxey's heritage for our future generations. I suggest that there should be a nice stainless steel plaque erected on the station to commemorate the regeneration committee's work. The following words are appropriate for the plaque:" Don't it always seem to go, That you don't know what you've got, Till it's gone, They paved paradise, And put up a parking lot. They took all the trees, Put 'em in a tree museum, And they charged the people, A dollar and a half just to see em, Don't it always seem to go,That you don't know what you've got, Till it's gone,They paved paradise, And put up a parking lot"

"What a mess "

"Laxey has it's status of originality. This sad sight makes me want to reconsider any future heritage projects my team and I might take on in the village." Peter Geddes – Manx Mines Research Group

"Pete - remember all that it takes for bad to succeed is for good men to do nothing. Please do not reconsider any future heritage projects your team may take on in Laxey."

"This rather overides the purpose of heritage. The present director of of transport made it clear that he had no interest in the transport being ran as a heritage feature but wanted to see it all being ran as a commuter service. It wont stop here. The stainless steel will eventually creep in and I expect the existing building will be replaced. I'm sure I will have calmed down by summer." – Peter Geddes - Manx Mines Research Group

"How Sad!!!"

"Have they got shares in a granite mine, it is everywhere and once laid for a few months looks scruffy"

"Those are concrete flag stones, all of the steam railway stations had natural stone flags on the platforms originally which looked very nice, most were around 4 ft long, x 3 ft wide, & 4,or 5 inches thick, I have one of them that I used as hearth on my stone fireplace, I got it when they wrecked , & scrapped, most of our railway system , but they were never used on any of the tram stations that I know of?, & certainly not Laxey, concrete flags of course are used everywhere as a cheap option these days, & on a modern day buildings , patios etc look ok. but like I said before, using them here has done absolutely nothing for the tradition & charm of this once beautiful quaint little station, & in fact, in my opinion it`s done quite the opposite."

"As I remember the Station, altered yes, but not drastically from how it originally looked, but tastefully done, this photo is from the 1960`s? R.I.P."

"Are the Local Commisioners Laxeyites?"

"All it needed was some properly compacted self binding gravel on the whole standing area, even on the new paths from the bust stop etc, a couple of kiosks copied from the originals, same with the benches etc , & a few mature palm trees here & there, & all this could have been done for a fraction of what they`ve spent on that shambles. "

"At the end of the day the buck stops with him, or should do, had he taken this to heart & fought them on it as soon as he knew the commisioners were objecting on behalf of people from the village, things would have been different, as once they get invoved they all start panicing & running around like headless chickens, in total fear of their jobs & promotions etc. Mind you it`s such a massive constituency , I don`t suppose he knows half of what`s going on in such a big place like Laxey."

"I'm sure the new work will last for ages, but some things no matter how modern they are, just look cold. The stop was tranquil, had it's rough and rustic look and that's basically why people loved it. It's all part of history, it's charm and to see a joiner replace a wood slat or a painter giving a new splash of paint is something that people accept and therefore retains the childhood memories of yesteryear . The cost will run into many thousands of taxpayers pounds, but that cost as much as being a burden to the community, isn't the real cost as part of our history has again been torn apart or slowly eroded away to make way for the modern progressive world. Whoever thought that this was a great idea and exactly what the majority of people from Laxey wanted, then they should get out into the real world and talk with them, instead of doing things behind a desk thinking of new ways to look as if they've got a job. Keep Laxey Traditional!"

"There's nothing wrong with being progressive or forward thinking, but I don't understand why they had to start 'fixing' something that quite clearly wasn't broken in the first place. I don't live in Laxey anymore but the tram station was always one of the first places I went back to when visiting home, and yes, it is probably silly nostalgia but things get so hectic and change so quickly that sometimes it's comforting to know that some things never change..."

"My heart sank when I saw what they'd done to this place last time I was over and no doubt it'll sink further next time I return. I've spoken to a fair few vintage transport enthusiasts on this side of the pond too who regularly travel to the island to go tramspotting (not my cup of tea but each to their own) and they're disgusted by the whole thing as well. If the govt had any sense they'd ride the coat tails of the *massive* popularity of Victoriana and vintage and pull their heads out of their asses to see that Laxey is a picturesque little village with a vibrant historical past and that's why people love it. Bustling metropolis it certainly ain't. Let's hope it isn't a nail in the coffin for local tourism."

"Lovely. That's how I will always remember it. My mum worked in the little wool shop for years in the summer on the station."

"I have`nt lived in the village for over 40 years either, but some of my family still live there, it seems like the only one`s who would`nt be bothered what really happens down there, were probably born & brought up in Glasgow."

"I came to live in Laxey when I was 4 years old, brought up there and went to Laxey school. like you Robert I haven't lived there for many a few years but go there every month for a walk up the cairn and the beach come rain or shine, would move back there tomo if I could."

"That's how I want to remember it - full of character and Victorian charm. It seems to me that so many places across are striving to reintroduce the qualities that are being destroyed here because their tourism will benefit. They call it progress, I suppose."

"More infernal blocks! I agree with you about them looking scruffy, whether they're granite or concrete. In my opinion, the whole character of the station has been destroyed If you would like to know about Laxey Commissioners, come to their meetings - that's if you don't have to work, as they take place at 10 a.m. (for convenience - theirs.) If you care about Laxey, I think you'd find them interesting"

The Following Comments have been posted on the Manx Electric Railway Society Facebook page which can be found by clicking HERE.

"Too late for public opinion to save the Station now but let us hope it will be a lesson learned. Somehow I doubt it."

"Sadly you are correct there Richard, its too late now for Laxey -what a tragedy that now is, it was the most beautiful, timeless setting, but now....."

"Those who sew shall reap the WHIRLWIND.... It is vitally important that the consequences of what has been done to Laxey be understood; Firstly the MER is no longer the unique unspoiled survivor from a different age it was until last year. Secondly Laxey has had its unique heart cut out; it looks like what it now is a suburb in some alien town. Thirdly because the MER is no longer unique it will no longer be defensible as such; it will be impossible to justify keeping a pastiche "heritage" line open in the hard times to come. Fourthly when visitors see what has been done they are likely to be appalled and leave, never to return. As the visitor attraction declines so will the usage figures and with that the service. This is the beginning of a vicious circle. Fifthly the Manx political class having got away with this one will be encouraged further in their stupid ways. The destruction of the horse tramway is next. It is therefore of PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE to identify ALL of those responsible and to bring them to public account. If the MERS has the bottle for it that is....."

"I am trying to stay positive.... but it is a nerve wracking wait to see the end result "

"The station at Laxey was a beautiful place- if it needed improvements such as better refreshment facilitiees or improved disabled access or even a heritage interpretation centre such things could have been done discretely without ripping the whole thing up and starting again. The loss of this site , like the removal of Douglas station canopies in the 80's seriously detracts from the atmosphere of your islands beautiful railways"

"Just imagine. Somebody from the Isle of Man Government, or worse still your local MHK decided he didn't like the look of your Granny. They took her away and gave her a makeover; new modern hair do and stainless steel Government False Teeth... how wouldyou feel? What would you do? What would you stop at doing to find and expose those responsible before your friends and family. Wake Up Laxey! Expose those responsible from the Planning Committee to the politicians. Name them and expose them for what they are. It is times like this that the freedom of speech that poor "Darkie Brown" fought for so long ago means so much.."

"The Planning Committee are at the heart of this. They ignored the objections of the Manx Electric Railway Society. They will have blood on their hands when someone slips off a kerb or the deterrent paving being put in and falls under a tram."

"But then.... a few years ago most of the streets of Liverpool were covered in naff granite sets at vast public expense. They have now disappeared; it is quite amazing what the mass usage of chewing gum can do. Chew for Victory! Perhaps we should set up a Guillotine in Rodan Square!"

"The station should now be known as Rodan`s Folly."

"The Rose Garden is Rodan Square. There are two empty shoes each 5'00 long on a plinth to match... they ran out of money. Bit like poor Smelt."

"Superb comparison. A monument to Herr Rodan if ever there was one. I take it he will be re-elected by his admiring public on the strength of this? Man of Action... Man of Vision... Man of Impeccable Taste... An Excellent Judge of Masons... And Architects too. (Can they be the same???). Hooray for the people of Laxey. how proud they must all be of Wonderful Mr Rodan."

We would like to hear your views. If you have any comments or further information on this story, please email the Manx Electric Railway Society at [email protected]


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