“A report promised back in February looking at the future of a historic building on Douglas seafront is still yet to be published.

The Department of Infrastructure previously said Tramway Terrace would have to be demolished due to the condition of the building, but a further inspection on behalf of the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture found it could be saved.

At today's final House of Keys sitting before the summer recess, Douglas North MHK David Ashford will ask the infrastructure minister for an update on its publication.

He will ask Tim Crookall when the final report of the conservation engineers into Tramway Terrace was completed; when it will be published; and what the reason is for the delay.

He says he'd also like to see further explanation given on how two vastly different conclusions could have been drawn by initial investigators.”

Mr. Ashford’s comments can be heard HERE.

Hansard in connection with the question tabled in the Keys by Mr Ashford will be made available as soon as it is published.

Manx Radio


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