David Ashford, one of the MHK’s for Douglas North, has tabled further questions concerning the truncated Horse Tramway at the final sitting of Tynwald before the Summer recess.

Question 32: The Hon. Member for Douglas North, Mr Ashford, to ask the Minister for Infrastructure: What the most recent estimated cost breakdown is for laying the remaining track for the horse trams to the sea terminal; and when that assessment was made?

33: The Hon. Member for Douglas North, Mr Ashford, to ask the Minister for Infrastructure: How much track was originally purchased for the replacement of the horse tram track from Harris Promenade to the sea terminal; how much remains in stock; how much has been used for other purposes; and what these were.

Full Hansard relating to both questions will be reproduced here as soon as it has been published.

In the meantime, Manx Radio reported on Question 32 as follows:

‘Doi Assessing Cost of Completing Horse Tramway’ Saturday, July 20, 2024

"Work is underway to assess how much it would cost to reinstall the horse tram tracks from Broadway to the Sea Terminal. Infrastructure Minister Tim Crookall confirmed at this month's sitting of Tynwald that the last estimate was received in September 2022, when it was projected the work would cost £2million.

Douglas North MHK David Ashford asked him for a breakdown of that figure, given that the Department of Infrastructure has already purchased the tracks. But Mr Crookall wasn't prepared to provide those details.”

Manx Radio


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