During this summer’s Island at War event on the Isle of Man Steam Railway, acclaimed local photographer David Silvester took time out to capture dramatic and moving portraits of all the war veterans who attended.

Some 39 veterans and their families were guests on the Steaming to Victory train, which took passengers past a dramatic ‘crashed’ and burning Spitfire en route to Castletown.

Portraits of the veterans were captured at Morton Hall in between servings of tea and cake, served by The Tickethall with food sponsored by Nationwide International.

This week in the run-up to Remembrance Day, David, proprietor at The Studio, Colby, generously donated to each veteran a mounted copy of their respective image.

He explained: ‘I was honoured to be allowed to travel from Douglas to Castletown with these incredible and wonderful people. It was the very least I could do as a huge thank you,’ he added.

Further images from the weekend may be found on the web gallery of the studio http://www.thestudiocolby.com or you can telephone David direct on 309209 for copies.

Profits from the sale of any prints of the war veterans along with their family members will be donated to the Isle of Man branch of the Royal British Legion.

* Island at War weekend will be held on the 22-23 August in 2015.


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