Questions in The Keys As To Why Another Passing Loop Is Required
"Infrastructure Minister Ray Harmer has explained why an extra horse tram passing place features in the plans for the promenade redevelopment.
In the House of Keys on Tuesday, he was asked to explain 'why a further passing place is required for horse trams between the point of cessation of the double tracks and the next passing point approximately 300 metres away.'
The question was tabled by Clare Bettison, who represents Douglas East, the constituency that includes Douglas promenade.
Mr Harmer said it would provide flexibility and allow the current horse tram timetable to be maintained after the redevelopment of Douglas promenade, which will see the horse tram service operating on a single track for parts of the prom.
He said: 'From the south end of the double track in the centre of the road the track is interlaced to the seaward side opening out into a double track and finally exiting as a single track. The short section of double track is provided to allow trams in both directions to wait for the traffic lights to cross the highway at the traffic signals. It could also act as an ’emergency terminus’ when waves were crashing over the promenade.'
He said the 'double track loop' was set at a critical distance from the Sea Terminal to allow the necessary frequency of horse trams. The double track loop at the end of the double track length is part of the interlaced track system that moves the tramway from being a double track in the centre of the promenade to a single track at the seaward side of the promenade.’ "