IN WHAT WILL BE TO THE DISAPPOINTMENT OF MANY, plans to radically modernise Douglas Steam Railway Station Booking Hall have been granted a conditional go ahead, following a decision of the Independent Planning Inspector issued last week. Pending final approval by the Council of Ministers and provision of £1.4m in funding from Treasury, the plans will see the Booking Hall split in two by the insertion of a mezzanine, to create a ground floor retail unit, first floor restaurant, and conversion of the former offices into a kitchen and toilets. A lift to the new restaurant will occupy the tower, whilst the main doorway into the building will be moved.

Objectors to the scheme as published included the Isle of Man Steam Railway Supporters' Association, Victorian Society and the MER Society. These long established voluntary organisations wished to see the plans modified to retain the Booking Hall space, panelling, and in particular the north wall (LEFT) containing the ticket windows, and the distinctive route map.

The objectors have been partially successful, as conditions attached to the approval by the Inspector require the "ticket windows, panelling and original map on the north wall of the ticket hall [to] be retained in positions as near to their current positions as possible." The Inspector has ruled out 'knocking through' the centre of the wall as intended to provide double doors. Instead a "narrow link [at first floor level through the north wall] to the restaurant at its western end" has been stipulated. All very well, except that as "the new mezzanine floor shall be kept a minimum of [only] 1.4m away from the north wall of the ticket hall", the view of the wall which currently overlooks the entire space, a view the objectors sought to retain, will become a thing of the past. This 'compromise' ruling will probably end up pleasing no-one.

Sights now turn to Port Erin Railway Station which, funds allowing, is to be subjected to 'regeneration', similar to that inflicted on Laxey earlier this year, with block paving a plenty in a new 'public concourse', sculptured stone seating, the line terminating in a combined 'Planter, Stop block and station sign board."

The Appeal concerning alterations to Douglas Station took place on March 25th this year, and an extract from the Independent Inspector's ruling issued to objectors last week appears below:

2. No works shall commence until large scale details (minimum 1:20, preferably 1:10) of the restaurant mezzanine, balustrading, the proposed door and screen between the restaurant and the proposed staircase, the glazed screen and associated side doors between the ticket hall and the retail area and details of both proposed staircases including balustrading have been submitted to and approved in writing by Planning & Building Control. The works shall not be carried out unless in accordance with the approved plans.

Reason: In the interests of the integrity of the Registered Building and its setting.

3. No works shall commence until large scale details (minimum 1:20, preferably 1:10) of the proposed canopy have been submitted to and approved in writing by Planning & Building Control. The works shall not be carried out unless in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: In the interests of the integrity of the Registered Building and its setting.

4. The ticket windows, panelling and original map on the north wall of the ticket hall shall be retained in positions as near to their current positions as possible. No works shall commence until details to a scale of 1:10 indicating the new door opening through the wall, the position of the map and the revised panelling have been submitted to and approved in writing by Planning and Building Control.

Reason: In the interests of the integrity of the Registered Building, its setting and its features of architectural and historic interest.

5. The new mezzanine floor shall be kept a minimum of 1.4m away from the north wall of the ticket hall except for the mezzanine floor narrow link to the restaurant at its western end. No works shall commence until details to a scale of 1:10 have been submitted to and approved in writing by Planning & Building Control.

Reason: In the interests of the integrity of the Registered Building, its setting and its features of architectural and historic interest.

6. No works shall commence until a full and comprehensive photographic survey has been submitted to and agreed in writing by Planning & Building Control.

Reason: In order to retain a record of the site in the interests of local history.

This approval relates to the following plans/drawing numbers except where superseded by plans and drawings as required by any of the above conditions: Nos 1402-100 Location Plan, 1402-101 Site Plan as Existing, L402-L02 Site Plan as Proposed, 1402-103 Floor Plans as Exiting of existing fabric, 1402-104 Floor Plans as Existing, Proposed alterations to existing fabric, 1402-105 Plans as Proposed, 1402-106 Sections as Existing, L402-t07 Sections as Proposed, L402-L08 Elevations as Existing , 14Oz-LOg Elevations as Proposed, L402-LL0 Internal Elevations and Door Details, 1402-111 Door and Window Schedule Sheet L of 2,1402-112 Door and Window Schedule Sheet 2 of 2, 5/250 Proposed Roof Truss Sections Sheet 1 of 5, S/252 Proposed Roof Truss Sections Sheet 2 of 5, 51252 Proposed Roof Truss Sections Sheet 3 of 5, 51253 Proposed Roof Truss Sections Sheet 4 of 5, 51254 Proposed Roof Truss Sections Sheet 5 of 5, 51260 Extent of Underpinning, 5/310 Railway Station Crack Stitching and Stability Works Elevations.

In accordance with Regulation 13(10)(c), please be advised that the decision of the Council of Ministers is binding and final (subject to the possibility of judicial review by petition of doleance)."

Since the above article was first published, the following comments have been posted:-

"Heathens, the lot of them."

"The Isle of Man is known worldwide for its historic transport aspects.
This mindless modernisation is nothing short of government vandalism. Do they not realise that things like this at all….."

"Another Laxey Station job !!"

"the station is not considered to be a good example of such a structure" - do these clowns know what they are talking about?... how can what was once dubbed as "the finest narrow gauge railway terminal in the British Isles" not be a good example of such a structure? And if it no longer is then surely the government should be answerable for that given that a lot of the deterioration has set in under their ownership..."

"Yet again the political class and its vested interests has betrayed the Island. Those who sow will reap the Whirlwind... It is time that details of all those responsible for the so called planning process were exposed and brought to book for what they are, who they are and what they have done. Their political masters too should be dealt with for this..."

"Actually, don't like...."

"So sad"

"Heritage Victorian railway ?"

"More wanton destruction of our heritage assests..?"

"Is this work absolutely necessary when we are constantly told there is no money in the pot, seems a waste of 1.4 million to me!"

"Not worth visiting that place anymore. Have they learned nothing from Laxey ???"

MERS would like to hear your views. If you have any comments or further information on this story, please email the Manx Electric Railway Society at [email protected]


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