A Facebook group "Laxey Past and Present" is calling for a public meeting to discuss the current "Regeneration" of Laxey Railway Station. Public comments include "disbelief ", "despair" and "shame" on the loss of our Island's heritage. "To reflect public opinion, the plans require urgent revision before the work is finalised."

Site administrators, Robert Cannell and David Owens write "As you are probably aware, there has been some disquiet on various Facebook pages about the current work on the Victorian railway station at Laxey.

"At my suggestion, last Monday evening Mr Robert Cannell (Laxey Past and Present) set up a dedicated page he entitled Laxey Options on New Station, to gauge the extent of public feeling against the work. For this purpose, viewers are invited to "like" the page if they feel that the Station has lost its charm through the use of granite etc. However the page is open for any member of the public to post comments either for or against the work. The link to the page is https://www.facebook.com/pages/Laxey-Options-On-New-Station-Loons/867068650019465

"At the time of writing, 563 viewers have "liked" the page in just over 6 days. The strength of feeling against the current "regeneration" of the Station is evident from the comments made. The consensus is that the work is more suitable for a modern metropolitan station and most comments contain expressions of despair for the loss of the station's Victorian charm.

"As a consequence, Laxey Past and Present group is asking for a public meeting to discuss appropriate changes to the plans, with the aim of ensuring that the Station remains as an attractive heritage destination.

Meanwhile on the the Manx Electric Railway Society Facebook page, two postings have attracted 6388 and 8720 hits respectively. Since the publication of our press release regarding Laxey Station on Friday evening the Society has had an unprecedented influx of new members - especially from the Island - joining us to defend the tramway through this website.

A Press Release from the Laxey Options on New Station Group issued this afternoon reads:

Laxey Railway Station RIP


In response to considerable public concern, Facebook group "Laxey Past and Present" calls for a public meeting to discuss the current "Regeneration" of Laxey Railway Station.

Within six days of setting up an associated page on Facebook "Laxey Options on New Station", over 550 votes were registered online as not in favour of the existing work.

Public comments include "disbelief ","despair" and "shame" on the loss of our Island's heritage.

To reflect public opinion, the plans require urgent revision before the work is finalised.

Cause of great concern:

Laxey Railway Station was opened in 1894 and although buildings have changed over the years, the station has retained its character until now.

In recent weeks the "regeneration" of Laxey has included substantial and costly building works at Laxey Station. Regrettably, the leafy charm of this Victorian station enjoyed by thousands of visitors each year has been redesigned using vast expanses of modern paving stones and poles that are wholly out of keeping.

We feel that the current modernisation plans have ruined the unique ambience of the station and destroyed the heritage for future generations.

Accordingly we believe that the plans require immediate revision to ensure that the Station retains its Victorian character and that it remains an attractive heritage destination for locals and visitors.

We are aware that Manx Electric Railway Society has asked for the work to be halted immediately and has called for a public meeting to discuss matters.

Quotes on Facebook from Laxey and Island residents:

"This is a step too far our Victorian railway station has been vandalized what idiots thought of destroying our ancient village by turning it into a concrete jungle…"

"I just can't believe that they could be so insensitive and unresponsive to opinion! Why are there so many of these awful blocks being used here and how much do they cost? Who is responsible for their purchase?"

"It was a Victorian beauty spot before someone decided to update it what have they done it's awful & a waste off money"

"All the charm had been taken away. Looks like part of Birmingham station now, not a heritage station."

"If it was Modern Trams like Manchester that were stopping at Laxey Station it would look in keeping and up to date. But it's not, it's a Victorian Tram system and needs to look like a Victorian Station. I'm all for great modern architecture and change, but not on our Railways and National Heritage."

"Many hard man hours have been spent on many heritage projects such as the Snaefell wheel to mention one, to enhance Laxey as a tourist attraction and generally nice place, and some idiot approves this mess, a slap in the face to all the hard workers who donate their time so freely, and to Laxey in general"

"I am lost for words such a waste of money who did they do this for certainly not for the people who live in Laxey".

"A real shame they have destroyed the heritage look of what was a real tourist attraction and the start of the Snaefell MountainRailway. It is like making a vintage film with a sky dish in the scene!!"

"This is vandalism not regeneration!"

"If vandals had done this? ???? Destroying our national heritage!!!!! How is it that the people we think we can trust & then let us down can get away with this! I despair!

"What an eyesore so unsympathetic to the Victorian period, utterly appalling!!"

"Other countries protect their national heritage and make sure repairs are sympathetic to time period."

"Truly horrible, where has all the charm gone?"

"We went to Laxey today just to see for ourselves if it was as bad in reality as it looks on Facebook. It was. Came away feeling sad."

Quotes on Facebook from off-Island residents

"Crazy, just crazy. From a Englishman that's been visiting iom since 1962"

"Unbelievable. Just unbelievable..."

"Words really do fail me with this utter disgrace, the only thing I will say is the Island is going to see less of me now with these ill thought out schemes, its just not worth paying the inflated fares to get there to see such desecration."

"R.I.P. Beautiful Laxey station.......I will be over in July to see what they have done to my favourite place. Only seen photos so far......not liking it one bit !!!!

Issued by Laxey Past and Present Group; Laxey Options on New Station

Contacts Telephone Email

Robert Cannell 801415, mob 459806, [email protected]

David Owens 861144, mob 487007 [email protected]"

We would like to hear your views. If you have any comments or further information on this story, please email the Manx Electric Railway Society at [email protected]


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