Membership Applications & Renewals
Annual Membership subscriptions (those paid by Cheque/Postal Order/Standing
Order) became due for renewal on the 1st April 2024. Full and On-line
subscriptions (paid via PayPal) fall due on the first and successive
anniversaries of first joining the MERS. To renew your subscription or join the
MERS by PayPal, please click the ‘Get Membership from Just £1 A Year’
link at the top left-hand corner of this page. Alternatively, payment for membership applications and renewals can be made by Cheque/Postal Order/Standing Order by downloading a renewal form HERE For all
membership enquires and further information, please contact the MERS Membership Secretary at:
Manx Electric Railway Society Meetings
place at the Columba Club, 1 Sydney Mount, Douglas IM1 3DB.
The meetings usually take the form of either a general discussion/social evening or a slide, film or video presentation. The opportunity is also taken to keep members informed on the latest developments concerning the MER and other Island transport. Local and visiting members of the Society, guests and anyone interested in transport are all welcome.
Next Meeting: TBA